
SSL Certificates

An SSL certificate, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer certificate, is a digital certificate that enables secure, encrypted communication between a user's web browser and a web server. SSL certificates play a vital role in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over the internet. Here are the key aspects of SSL certificates:




Data Integrity

Browser Trust

Types of SSL Certificates:

Domain Validated (DV) Certificate:- These certificates verify ownership of the domain but do not include extensive validation of the organization or entity.

Organization Validated (OV) Certificate:- These certificates include additional validation of the organization's details in addition to domain ownership verification.

Extended Validation (EV) Certificate:- EV certificates provide the highest level of validation, including extensive background checks on the organization,
and are visually indicated in browsers by a green address bar.

Wildcard Certificate:- A wildcard certificate secures a domain and its subdomains, simplifying certificate management for multi-subdomain websites.

Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificate:- These certificates can secure multiple domains and subdomains within a single certificate.